October 07, 2006


if one makes a mistake, could you go on by excusin yerself that it is after all an honest mistake?

if it is a mistake, bloody hell, it is a fuckin *mistake*, innit? i'm not aware that mistake's can be classified as "honest" and "dishonest". but of course, who would admit they make a dishonest mistake?

besides, it's like the spastic or spastic's in question ain't taking any responsibility or ownership of their mistakes. not that anyone's offended me with such bollocks, it's something i came across on an online forum which made me go "DUH?".

about time to spay the entire human race then? talk of which, i can't wait for the possibility of the blue marble facing a situation not too dissimilar from the scenario depicted on this film.

i. just. can't. wait.

as enscribed by the letter b @ October 7, 2006 01:58 PM | someone's pinged
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

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