May 20, 2006

it's raining opinions - part deux

the naivety, cynicisms and assumptions/presumption's made by polish workers in the UK are quite rather perplexing.

especially the highly-qualified/educated bit which most of em claimed they are. sure, but according to whose standards?

which reminds me of this wee episode i had with em peopre's lepubrik job seeker's to the wee islet. back in 1997 [funny how i remember events that occured long ago better than those happened a few day's ago]. a colleague asked a favour of me to telephone-interview his candidate's [he was in charge of the china recruitment market] to test their english language proficiency.

i larfed - guaffawed, more like it - rather cynically upon reading their CV's: they rated their reading, speakin and writing aspects as *excellent*. as said colleague himself spent much of his education in a chinese-language medium school [which are no longer in existence], i interviewed on his behalf all the same even though i was about to leave the workplace. which was well past half seven [funny how i remember events that occured long ago better etc etc..].

what they say about a hungry man is an angry man? not to mention, the anger that rapidly building up inside me - not only they couldn't string a decent sentence together to their replies; they refused to admit [that's a chinky trait, mind, the "loss of face" bollocks] that they were right clueless - ie: they repeat their answers ad nauseum without a fuckin inkling!

it's highly probable that:
1. they didn't quite expect the types of questions i asked
2. the questions posed were not in sequence - read: rote-learning
3. they weren't used to accent's other than [pseudo] american

alright to be fair, there are those i came across over the moon's who do put [younger, ethnic chink, of the peasant class] wee islander's [boo. hiss.] to shame. although such are few and far between.

back to the polish issue - and they are complainin about being tarred with the same brush? i'll wager these are the same folk who'd make monkey noises at black person's. or pullin their blinkers back slit-like at oriental people.

pot, kettle. oh, and i wonder also if that bird, whose piccy was prominently featured on the article, is seekin an english husband on the side as well?

bloody hell, a competition, she.

as enscribed by the letter b @ May 20, 2006 10:48 AM | someone's pinged
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