May 19, 2006

it's raining opinions - part one

right. so i spent the past two day's giving my two

[my new lucky number that, 2] penneth's worth on just anything and everythin under the sun. no, topics that got my goat that i just couldn't keep my fingers away from the keyboard. that's more like it.

kickin off the "series" - hopefully not more than three part's - is bird's who get their knickers in a right twist over boobfeeding in public. whose actions and warped thinking [if they did actually *think*] are no different to those 70's bra burners ["it's our fundamental *right* to do blokey stuff! etc etc"].

they are not makin rumblin noises, it's a ruckus they are kickin up. especially those who vented their spleen for the sake of ventin their spleen - demandin the likes of you's and i to accept boobfeedin in public places. anytime and anywhere they wish so. even if it's not too obviously bared. 'cos it's a natural thing for *mothers* to do.

how selfish. how irresponsible. it never crosses their mind's [or whatever that remotely resembles one] whatsoever that not everyone is comfortable with an act that is considered private?

i wonder if they are making up for their rather low self-esteem [or whatever they are missin/have missed out in life] that they feel each and every new mother [as well as folks like you's and i] on this planet ought to subscribe to the "boobfed wee bundle's of noise make brighter, contented and well-adjusted adult's" hogwash.

utterly spoilt disrespectful and totally ineffectual devil's spawn more like it. and i thought the environment at large and *genetics* play a massive part in the bairn's development. or [severe] lack of.

hmm, curious mind wonders if this same bunch of militant pro-boobmilk cow's were completely deprived of boob milk themselves? or they won't take issue with the likes of you's and i innit?

in fact, this matter was in the spotlight over ere on the wee islet not too long ago - one can well imagine how many whinger's out there wrote to the press about rude and gawking wee islander's. apart from totally unfriendly/unfair workplace practices - pardon?

the lowest of the lowest common denominator lowlife amongst wee island wanker's gawk at just anythin that wears skirts. and so do bairn. duh. blaming just every one else and horrid circumstances except themselves, eh?

how selfish. how totally irresponsible.

as enscribed by the letter b @ May 19, 2006 11:08 PM | someone's pinged
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