April 26, 2006

and yer point is?

what's with gormless wee island bird's these days?

i approached the wee islet-based UK-wide universities alumni the other day to promote an offshoot sideline on interview and/or CV coaching for returning fresh graduate's. to which i received a rather perplexin reply as per the below.

and then the ensued email exchange's gave me the impression that either the cow had got it completely wrong; or she was attemptin a right wind-up which i had no idea whatsoever as to why [blind immediate jealousy at the mere mention of the words "Managing Director" perhaps?].

or to put it in simple wee island parlance, "tryin to be funny". without further ado, here goes. names changed to protect the innocent. *mine*, that is:

Dear Letter B

First of all, thanks for your interest in the Alumni thingy.

However, as we are not opening this website for any commercial usage, we are afraid that we will not able to advertise any service provided by your company.

Alternatively, if you are interested, you may want to come in as an Alumni and do a session such as on culture shock for the targeted alumni. We can market the event as a partnership with your company. You can use the session to promote your company indirectly, but please ensure that there is no sales and direct recruitment.

Dear Clueless Bird

Thank you for your e-mail and interest in our intercultural communication programmes.

Your proposal for a Culture Shock session sounds interesting. But before we take this further, could you perhaps enlighten me who the target audience are within the alumni - returning/repatriating Wee Islanders perhaps? Or are they foreigners belonging to the respective alumni?

Please be assured that seminars and workshops organised for business chambers' members are used as platforms to market our Programmes indirectly. As such, sales and/or direct recruitment do not occur which we firmly believe is unethical, not to mention, unprofessional.

Moreover, our company are a Professional Services Provider, as opposed to a Commercial Educational Institution which I found many in Singapore tend to confused us with.

Letter B

The target audience in this case will be fresh graduates, mainly Wee Islander. We do have a couple of expatriates who are working in Singapore in the database, but they are not our main priorities. If you have them as yours, we may want to re-think about the collaboration.

Hi Clueless Bird

Thank you for your email. I think there is a miscommunication between us, perhaps you could enlighten me in what ways Wee Island Fresh Graduates could benefit from a Culture Shock session?

All of our Programmes are designed and customised accordingly with mid- to senior-level Executives in mind, including Wee Islanders who travel within the Asia-Pacific region. There are bespoke requirements too by our customers for a reverse Cross-Cultural facilitation for their Wee Islander staff on working with overseas-based colleagues.

Hence, my last email which I enquired if the intended target audience are returning or repatriating Wee Islanders. It is well-known in our industry that Repatriates - regardless of nationality or background - do require some form of reverse Cross-Cultural mentoring given today's increasingly diverse environments.

and no, i haven't heard from her since. it's probable that the cat has gotten her tongue.

really, let me repeat this: what's with gormless wee island bird's these days? it seems that they all need a thorough head examination. and if that isn't enough, perhaps a right neuterin to go along.

as enscribed by the letter b @ April 26, 2006 06:12 AM | someone's pinged

i know, "alumni" is more than suffice. still haven't a clue why i added the thingy there :p

yeah, em peasant's can't go beyond a 2-syllable word [look at their name's for instance - surname + 1-syllable name + another 1-syllable name = 2 syllables] nor beyond 5 words per sentence. and you just have to make it as simple as possible as they cannot simply read between the line's, nor do they understand irony.

even whilst speakin to em on the blower, you'll have to repeat yerself thrice to get through em. by the end of which, you are left with the feeling that some of yer braincells have gone MIA.

believe me, it's much worse than speakin to that call centre in bombay.

as blahed by the letter b @ April 27, 2006 11:37 AM

"Alumni thingy." Thingy??

"and no, i haven't heard from her since. it's probable that the cat has gotten her tongue."

And you probably won't. Something tells me that the whole conversation left her saying...Wha'??

as blahed by "Alice" @ April 27, 2006 07:38 AM
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

remember personal info?