September 27, 2005

wee island idiosyncracies

a perennial problem that had me mate's and expat's griping: the wee islet's spastic motorist's.

what's more bafflin is that a huge number of said spastic motorist's are 20-somethin bird's. wonder what they are tryin to prove besides their flashy top-of-the-range brand-new vehicles. like, they can be as daredevilish as men?

or that they have the means to "own" [yeah but it's the banks that are financin em given the ridiculous prices] a car which is a right status symbol over ere? why the fuckin arrogant smirk when they cut into the path without indicatin then?

that is one of the myriad reason's why i steadfastly refused to learn to drive. but i'm very sure it's not because of my rather short fuse.

as enscribed by the letter b @ September 27, 2005 11:01 AM | someone's pinged



as blahed by "Alice" @ September 28, 2005 12:32 PM

i don't think so, it's just that youngling's these days are getting more and more insolent. they need to be told of their place.... whinge, grumble, whinge...

as blahed by the letter b @ September 28, 2005 10:06 AM

Ahem...are we starting to show our age? ;)

as blahed by "Alice" @ September 28, 2005 09:26 AM
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

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