the next time a feckless bint utters "he's a good catch"
[ie: white expat's, as they are purported to be wealthy and/or holding "influential" posts] to:
1. justify her interest
2. egg me on
i promise i'd not make me blood boil again reply, accordingly:
1. "that explains the rise in broken marriage's"
2. "eh, i'm no fisherman"
but then again, as tact is not my strongest point; i'm sure i'd:
1. throw the same line back as per the usual - yeah, lame that
2. blurt, "yer so fuckin hard up?" just like i'd done to an acquaintance earlier today
what's the big deal about landin a white fella anyway? if these bint's deemed emselves as "good catch" to these blokes as well, they'd better think again.
depraved delusional slut's.
as enscribed by the letter b @ August 30, 2005 01:20 PM | someone's pinged