August 19, 2005

let me repeat this..

to those half-european half-asian wotsit's, for the last time, yous ain't *eurasian*, geddit?

[it's sacrilegious enough for any twat to claim Peranakan heritage when they can't even comprehend a word of our language. pah.]

it's yer asian mum's who had got this fanciful notion that their mate's would totally envy em for producing half-caste bairn's. ie: you's. you know, the myth that by mating with yer white father's, you's will look mightily caucasian.

obviously, yer mum's haven't got a clue that there are those who did turn out a 'mare. like a science experiment gone horribly awry.

and that's what yer mum's have been craving all along. a notch up the social ladder. no, to inflate their rather low [or non-existent] self-esteem, more like it. and i tell ya, the glamour of being a half-caste is temporary. but being perpetually confused as to what you's really are isn't. especially so when wotsit's like you do not have an established community to fall back on.

so do me a favour, don't sully the good name of em genuine eurasian's. GEDDIT?


and btw, i'm not the only git who's outraged by your claim. sample this rant by a young malaysian eurasian lass, nicked without permission:

... it's good to have people which have similarities as i do as it is hard to live alone in this world. it's also a comfort as it is rather irritating as the word eurasian is fequently misused nowadays.

just because this word brings misconception that "eurasian" are suppose to look like caucasians, we are therefore jeered at for supposedly having the "audacity" to claim on our heritage.

asians who marry whites today have children which freely claim their stake as eurasians just because of the glamorous myth of being mixed, and looking mixed. our heritage is vague but our spirit is strong and we shall not let other people rob us of our identity..

she has it down pat. bless.

the reason for this whinge? an english blogger popped up from nowhere calling himself eurasian. and i thought his lot is widely known as *coloured*. in the UK. and then i spotted the bit that his mum's wee islander. that explains.

and he looks like a chink with pasty skin. who signs off with his chinese name. what makes it worse is asian cunt's droolin - as well as explicitly stated what they'd like to do - all over him. like he's the bestest ever creation by god.

and i searched in vain for a pair of sharply pointed objects to poke me blinker's.

as enscribed by the letter b @ August 19, 2005 09:02 AM | someone's pinged
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

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