July 07, 2005

useless poll

in view of comments made the other day, and also plainly an excuse to reside in the UK - i know, i must be mad - i beg you's to help me decide if i should open yet another takeaway in yer neighbourhood.


nb: you's could actually vote more than once if you would like to have more takeaway varieties. or if your not quite sure.

as enscribed by the letter b @ July 7, 2005 07:38 AM | someone's pinged

im thinking of an "...authentically exotic and oriental [they speak english!] mail-order bride/match-making centre". and there'd be queues of desperate "highly"-educated ::barf:: wee island feckless slag's on the waiting list. pairing off with northern counties council-estate chav's.

and i inadvertently and indirectly cause a boom in the chav population.

as blahed by the letter b @ July 8, 2005 09:32 PM

Who said you had to do a take away? What else comes from the far east....

"B's Martial Arts Dojo"

Wax on, wax off...

as blahed by Miles @ July 8, 2005 07:09 PM
yer six pences' worth s'il vous pla�t:

remember personal info?