now where are all em imbecilic soft-hearted expat's livin ere and afar - ie: hong kong - who never fail to make loud noises about wee islanders mistreatin or physically battering their domestic helper's?
many of whom - apart from being oddly naive - are fibbin thievin types who are daft enough to vehemently deny - come complete with accompanyin tears and wailing's - their crime even though it's been made clear to em that the evidence is right there and then.
like how my ex-helper once denied she had torn my shirt's collar. or a mate's who nicked her lipstick but couldn't answer how it ended up in her room. who promptly went on to break my mate's compact powder the very next day. oh, and another who caught hers feedin her newborn coca-cola.
and then when i pointed out exactly that at an expat's blog, i was instead lamely queried by the obviously-blinded-by-their-sob-stories blogger did i not pilfer stuff from our employers.
indeed. but i didn't bother to reply as i knew there'd be no end to this debate. as said obviously-blinded-by-their-sob-stories expat had finely displayed his empathy. which was somewhat misplaced, IMnotsoHO. but of course, it's highly probable he's been bonkin em durin their off day's, and got taken in by their seemingly simple-mindedness. or blindingly servile coquettish charm.
who doesn't want a free bonk with em exotic utterly undemandin brown-skinned types anyway?
apart from more sob stories about how they have got to feed and support their 30-member family back in the deepest countryside of indonesia / the philippines.
unsurprisingly enough, nothing's being said about today's news of a maid murderin her employer in cold blood. i tried to comment on said obviously-blinded-by-their-sob-stories expat but couldn't as i had to register meself now. can't be arsed to do that, so i decided to whinge over ere instead.
my point is this: so it's okay for said down-trodden poor thing's to knife their employers in a fit? comeuppance to em employer's for their unjustifiable bullying's then? 'cos said poor thing's have had no recourse whatsoever and they have been sufferin loads?
but at least we don't go about gunnin our gaffer's down when we ain't chuffed innit?
or are all these misdemeanour's driven by racism and jealousy?
as enscribed by the letter b @ July 4, 2005 10:10 AM | someone's pinged