was just told by a colleague that extreme madness and mayhem will once again descend upon me us starting this friday. which is likely to spill over to august.
how come?
1. some majorly important cricket compo involving the entire indian sub-continent => i have to psyche myself to not throttling 'em ignore our india colleagues' overbearing suffocating arrogance. and once again for five long weeks, i'll be sounding like a bollywood extra. but without the song and dance-around-the-mulberry-tree routine.
2. british open golf => major broadcast rescheduling's to be expected in case of some light drizzling's that will surely drown 'em golfer's.
the above "events" are running simultaneously on all my broadcast networks. which means blahin's may be sporadic. or none at all.
splendid, that.
as enscribed by the letter b @ July 13, 2004 03:14 AM