February 25, 2006

gene-pool, self-removal

honestly, should staff at a Cheshire gaol despair that em scum chose to end their miserable live's through self-harm [and then death] or suicide? especially when:

... "80 per cent of our population are significant drug users and have been using drugs for long periods."

these lowlife's had a choice to not consume drugs. besides knowin full well what the consequences were. so i don't see any point in keepin these irresponsible coward's alive. whatsoever.

likewise, those who are seriously mentally unsound. they are beyond redemption hope - and help - aren't they? so why bother?

and if said authorities are worried that their behaviour may harm the rest of the prison population, they could perhaps be quickly removed through some form of assistance.

as enscribed by the letter b @ February 25, 2006 03:58 PM | someone's pinged
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