my handwriting that is.
and see what they had got to say as summarised. which is not unexpected really:
a curious and creative mind hard at work.
this is mighty surprising, given that tact is not my strongest point.
me mind is constantly analysing whatever situation i encounter.
see the gap's? i'd yak even when there's absolutely nothin logical to talk about.
the end-stroke indicates a defiant and rebellious nature. or a "they can bloody well go fuck emselves" k.
possess a huge dose of high self-esteem. 'nuff said.
whomever admitted to my innermost circle of 2 to 3 mate's ought to be grateful for the opportunity.
the long tail indicates self-sufficiency. and a lone ranger.
not one to look back at my past and wish thing's would be different.
as enscribed by the letter b @ January 7, 2006 11:31 AM | someone's pingedwhoa. i know i'm gonna get slagged off for sayin this, but dya know that the english have got one of the most illegible handwritings on this side of the cosmoverse?! [*splat*! gah!!] and the filipino's one of the nicest, if not the most identical amongst them?
surprisingly/unsurprisingly, wee islanders' are the most varied. and some had to complain that they can't read mine whatsoever.
as blahed by the letter b @ January 9, 2006 03:48 PMI fully understand. Speaking about handwriting, Krip has got the most beautiful printing (almost anal about it), but his handwriting is a whole-nuther subject.
as blahed by "Alice" @ January 9, 2006 02:59 PMyep, thank god for the computer+keyboard combo as i've got problem's reading my own handwriting at times.
as blahed by the letter b @ January 8, 2006 06:26 AMLooks like your handwriting is on the wall. Better stick with typing.
as blahed by "Alice" @ January 7, 2006 07:03 PM