December 21, 2005

miss manners

i have had always believed in good old-fashioned manners

and observin proper etiquette. so the result doesn't come as a surprise. really:

Your score was 8 out of a possible 9

Your manners are practically impeccable and you are a pleasure to be around. Reflect for a moment on your good breeding then set about helping your more unfortunate friends achieve such social perfection.

could be my upbringing as peranakan matriarch's of yore never hesitate to tick off anyone behavin boorishly as "ill-bred peasant". yep, right in yer mug. that's why we were labelled as unbearably snooty git's by some lowest of the lowly [read: massively noisy chompers - ie: chomp with their gob's wide open with canines showing - amongst others] ethnic chink's.

but then it doesn't hurt nor cost a penny to be pleasant towards yer fella being's, innit?

ps: ok i didn't get the full score 'cos i thought it appropriate to bring along a bottle of whiskey to a dinner invite. substitutin it for guinness, that's why.

as enscribed by the letter b @ December 21, 2005 08:31 AM | someone's pinged
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

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