December 10, 2005

reeks of hypocrisy?

now that the hoo-ha has somewhat died down

i think it's about time that i say my piece about the "tribute" a gaggle of wotsit's are plannin to do for my late mate. said gaggle of wotsit's were folk she hooked up with to be part of the ultra *exclusive* circle of blog aggregator's. who are accorded near demi-god status by homo mong's, which coincidentally enough so did my mate.

just a few day's after her funeral, said gaggle broadcast to one and all that they are goin to publish all her blog entries that exist on the blogsphere for her family and "friends" to read.

shock. horror. gasp?

how nice. how thoughtful. how awwwww...worthy. and i wonder exactly who and what they actually meant by "friends". knowin my mate - or i thought i knew - she wouldn't want any of her family to discover her deepest secret's and fear's.

to think that just month's before her passin, she adopted a behaviour - or so said gaggle claimed - that to me, seemed rather quite bizarre. ie: sort of a turnaround from the secretive painfully private person whom i first befriend.

or i thought she was.

us both had spent weekends at the local quaffin, watchin the occasional footy and the odd wolf-whistlin oglin at cute fella's. and generally passin unsavoury comment's at amoebae within their earshot.

but before i allowed meself to be overtly upset over some perceived transgression, i realised that i don't know her well enough to said my piece nor give a teary [read: shameless and hypocritical] tribute. see secretive, painfully and private.

maybe it's because i'm a secretive and private person myself [yeah right] who'd rather grief privately for a mate. no, i chose to reminisce about the good time's - albeit privately - that helps me greatly to deal with it. and then get on with life.

of course to each its own; but to claim to know someone so well whose life is not an open book is like claimin to have seen apparition's of mother mary on some hill dotted with goat's.

when they ain't considered as her closest confidante's. whatsoever.

but then again, how well do i exactly know her?

as enscribed by the letter b @ December 10, 2005 08:02 AM | someone's pinged
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

remember personal info?