December 05, 2005


accompanied me mum yesterday to this 3-day health fair at the nearby exhibition complex, i succumbed to the "dark" side by buying this supplement. since it is ridiculously cheap helps improve cardiovascular health. amongst other blah's.

and then i picked this at another booth after we were told that a purchase comes with a freebie.

i had taken a fair bit of this on and off but stopped completely as i found it rather troublesome having to take note of the consumption cycle: at least 1 to 2 capsules for a week and then off for about 5 day's or summat. there are better or more important thing's to remember innit?

no, it's my cynicsm that got the better of me. as i believe some of these supplements are no different from placebo's.

hopefully i'll be more disciplined this time round as it had cost me twenty wee island quid.

as enscribed by the letter b @ December 5, 2005 09:28 AM | someone's pinged
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

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