December 02, 2005

a mighty waste of atom's

is it really shockin

that the first european female suicide bomber was actually an incorrigible fibber, a druggie and a waitress to boot?

i recall a former secondary schoolmate who was a class A chavette whose uniform top was always more than a button less; and skirt as way above the knee as possible; even flirtin openly with the opposite sex which was considered scandalous back then many many many :: ad infinitum :: moon's ago. especially so for a muslim.

not particularly bright may i add, as she had repeated her first or second year twice. or summat.

so to hear an ex-colleague recountin that she had become a member of a banned mid-80's islamic fundamentalist movement, all wrapped up in black burqa [hence nicknamed "zorro" - by muslim's emselves - and the goateed blokes wore black and turban's] was unnerving. what's more gobsmackin was she was the second or third or summat wife to the founder. or the wee islet's leader. or summat.

what stood out from this particular conversation all those moon's ago was said ex-colleague [who attended the same polytechnic as said "zorro" ex-schoolmate - see how wee the wee islet is] commented it's the feeblest-minded amoebae who'd undergo such drastic transformation's. like, from one end of the spectrum to the other.

i was in a perpetual state of shock for day's on end. such that i felt the need to broadcast this piece of "news" to the rest of my ex-classmate's [any wonder why i ended up workin with a sports broadcaster many moon's later?]. we all then clucked clucked on the shame she had brought upon the rest of us agreed that it was indeed a sad day for humankind.

makes one wonder why such element's were not removed at birth, at least spare us all the despair.

as enscribed by the letter b @ December 2, 2005 02:23 PM | someone's pinged
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

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