October 27, 2005

unnatural behaviour

i don't know what these boffin's aim is. regardless it is a mighty waste of dosh to observe if a bunch of *captive* chimp's could be as helpful towards one another. as us human's. see emphasis:

The result was surprising because the chimps had been living together in the same group for 15 years. They were not related, but might have been expected to be very close.

maybe em monkey's could teach us human's a thing or three instead.

as enscribed by the letter b @ October 27, 2005 03:26 PM | someone's pinged

exactly, in fact much of our behaviour was copied accordingly to what we saw, learnt, and taught. common sense only kicks in when we were old enough to reason things out. or, in my case, only until my mum despaired, "use yer common sense!"

as blahed by the letter b @ October 28, 2005 02:35 PM

If you think about it, sharing is TAUGHT not a given, even in humans. We, humans are always told by our parents, teachers, et al... "now share."

as blahed by "Alice" @ October 28, 2005 10:30 AM
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

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