September 29, 2005

enough's enough

two word's came to mind:

persecution complex. they just lurved the attention that the media are givin em, aren't they. obviously, their five minutes of fame had long expired.

"justice, justice, justice" - how very dignified. oh yeah, and it's the same institution who sponsored yer trip whose blood yer bayin, ye @*#$%!!. fuckin ingrates. like as if they are the blue marble's one and only most downtrodden dirt-poor sod's who ought to be pitied and empathised with by the likes of us. eh?

i wonder if they would even meet families of [real] victim's and survivor's of july 7th. hell, they won't even give a damn. if given a chance, they'd beg the Pope to beatify their precious hardworkin sprog.

and if the leaked reports were to be believed, why the effin fuck did that twit stand up and advance towards the firearms officer's when challenged? any officer in that circumstances would react by openin fire innit?


now we know why em islamist terrorist's never struck in latin america. the native's are too busy playin the victim's to notice.

as enscribed by the letter b @ September 29, 2005 02:20 PM | someone's pinged
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

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