September 25, 2005

wee island idiosyncracies

this article sums up nicely what wee islander's are generally like.

towards those who they deemed as beneath em. be it occupational or colour:

... A smile is rare. Eye contact is non-existent. And for the few who say 'thank you', 'please' or 'excuse me', the words are often droned out robot-like, with no smile or eye contact.

Most awful are those who thrust the shoes they like under your nose and utter curtly the size they want under their breath.

But those who demean service staff most are the ones who crook their fingers and beckon you over. What poor breeding, but like they say, the customer is always right...

like it's so fuckin demeanin to be courteous towards customer service staff. 'cos the latter are educationally inferior that's why. i had come across ill-mannered cunt's whilst workin as a counter staff at a tourist spot many many many ::ad infinitum:: moon's ago.

and they wouldn't hesitate to whinge at the slightest delay:
"why is the queue so long? the staff is so damn inefficient! how long more they expect us to wait under the hot sun??"

and if we told em to shut their gob's up:
"i want to compRain to the manager! you are so rude, got the cheek to answer back!"

to think that a recent visitor [callin itself "this is bullshit" residing in the UK] to this fine blog disputed my opinion's on chink's in general. which it claimed that they are smart [smarter than others, that's why they "invaded" foreign universities] and polite people [towards *their* older folk]. yeah, indeed they are the cosmoverse's superior race.

that's why they think it's their birthright to be rude to anyone who's inferior, eh? "this is bullshit"?

with that nick, your certainly being polite. besides provin my point that your ilk in general are the least tolerant of criticisms.

as enscribed by the letter b @ September 25, 2005 09:20 AM | someone's pinged

is there some sort of affliction goin round?

as blahed by the letter b @ September 25, 2005 04:34 PM

Sounds a lot like Chatham

as blahed by krip @ September 25, 2005 04:28 PM
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

remember personal info?