September 18, 2005


i thought it was mighty odd that a mate

- whom i know through the canuck association - left the wee islet last month without any prior fanfare or notice. what makes it odder is her departure was announced on the association's newsletter. whereby a wee farewell party was held by a handful of folk's. not that i'm bitter i wasn't asked to come along though the organiser's might had got the impression we were not close.

i got along fine with said mate despite a minor "ugly" episode [pertainin to the monthly pub night] that i didn't hesitate to show my displeasure. which was followed by a flurry of email exchanges - between moi, a couple of other mates and she.

i was truly humbled that, as president of the association then, she phoned me to apologise again. and profusely. now, this mate isn't someone whom everyone could get along with as she has an overbearin and forceful personality. that certainly didn't stop me from treatin her cordially, nor sharin a joke or three with her.

so when i finally got in touch with her through this networkin thingy [which she invited me to register], as i was lookin for potential customers, she revealed today that her husband quit their marriage. her hasty return to canada was partly motivated by her need to look for a job.

i was shocked, definitely, as both of em looked like the happiest couple on this side of the cosmoverse. of course, appearances are just that. appearances.

i know strange as it sounds, but there's this tinge of sadness as i type this out. my mate is not gettin any younger, but i'm sure she'll bounce back in no time. and hopefully she'll meet someone new who will appreciate her for what she is. indeed, her impendin divorce may be a blessin in disguise.

all the same, this news further affirms my belief to treasure whomever comes into our life at the moment. and that we ought to be grateful of the joy the person brings.

regardless if they are near or far.

as enscribed by the letter b @ September 18, 2005 10:53 AM | someone's pinged
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