September 03, 2005

shock, horror?

a conversation with a mate last evenin about the jap's and korean's

[ok, as part of my research for a customer] revealed the followin tidbit's, addin to those that i blahed about the other day:

1. those fanciful innovative electronic gadget's that have us all gobsmacked are basically meant for export market consumption - whereas their domestic market are left with shoddy third-world equivalent

2. em korean's possess similar japanese traits given their half a century subjugation - but without all the bowing's and lingual hypocrisy. i think

3. however, em korean's do possess certain chinese characteristic's as well as they were subjected to centuries of chink influence - evidenced by the practise of confucianism and surname's like Lee, Chang, Yim and Lim

in fact, till this day i often ask korean's if they are jap's which is a mighty insult to the former - see subjugation. though i make a conscious effort to pick up subtle differences like dressing and speech pattern's.

not too difficult, innit? but as long as they are in a group, that is.

as enscribed by the letter b @ September 3, 2005 01:59 PM | someone's pinged
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