August 19, 2005

oh dearie me

stolen the followin from somewhere - you know, from a link to a link to another.. you's get the drift:

International Chart

A diverse professional team has assessed the words and actions of internationally known contemporary leaders to give you an idea of how they relate to each other on the political compass.


the letter b is allegedly an authoritarian leftist. soz, the image - for some reason or other - couldn't be copied. further proof that i've been livin on the wee islet for far too long.

or that i'm a natural-born commie after all. woeful. and do take a careful peek above to see who i've got for company.

well, sample the followin evidence:

People with serious inheritable disabilities should not be allowed to reproduce

to which i answered "strongly agree" 'cos the image of em homo mongoloidis's suddenly appeared. rather vividly.

who would've thunk. me, a fascist.


as enscribed by the letter b @ August 19, 2005 12:01 PM | someone's pinged
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