July 23, 2005

quaked in their boot's

the reaction that followed the shooting of a suspected suicide bomber:

"Does that give the police any reason to go and shoot people in public?" said the young woman. "It's just ridiculous. It's not going to help - it's just going to trigger even more trouble."

ah, the further self-victimisation of the muslim community in the UK, given the current climate of "fear".

and if they don't harbour any ill-feelings or thoughts of killing, erm, "non-believers", what is there to fear about? i mean, they have a choice to bunk off to places that would welcome them with wide open arms, innit?

that aside, isn't it double standards that non-muslims are obligated to show sensitivity by not wearing anything revealing whilst visiting or working in islamic countries; yet hijabed / jilbabed bird's are allowed to roam freely in christian societies?

oh soz, britain is a multicultural society. yeah, i'm so terribly *outdated*.

if those sensitive ultra-PC twerp's - one of whom a certain QC called Cherie Booth - proclaim that said birds have a right to dress accordingly to the dictates of their religion, i'd like to point out that the rights of the 56 dead on july 7th were violated.

human right's, my arse.

as enscribed by the letter b @ July 23, 2005 07:25 AM | someone's pinged
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