May 20, 2005


a pair of perplexing searches that led to this fine blog:
i want my ex-husband back

such nuisance mong's - both em googler's and those who desperately wanted their ex-hubby's back - shouldn't be allowed access to the internet. much less breed.

as enscribed by the letter b @ May 20, 2005 05:13 AM

indeed and it's scum like them who give the rest of us women - more specifically you and i - a bad name. really, why is it that these cunts want their ex-spouses back when they had the chance to make their relationships work?

not only they are a waste of space but also a mighty disgrace to humankind.

as blahed by the letter b @ May 21, 2005 06:10 AM

Now that is just pitiful. Talk about a lack of self-respect. I tried to track her blog down. Poor thing. I hope she gives up and renames her blog to:"Happier than ever before"

as blahed by Rachel Ann @ May 20, 2005 04:37 PM
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

remember personal info?