May 04, 2005


a gem of a wee island satire that is up there together with the brains trust - it no longer exists, sniff... - and the onion. sample the followin:

Topical Posts for Tropical Potatos

The Kentang is a Singapore based blog talking about Singaporean stuff, and of course, potatoes. Bananas may also be mentioned. Chickens, less likely, but if you like Singaporean Cock, there's always []

believe me, the blog is brilliant.

1. kentang is malay for potato. which is also a reference to wee islander's who acquired western accent's after a studies or work stint overseas. potato's are assumed staple of the west hence the term. methinks this assumption is based on the 19th/early 20th century irish missionaries.

2. banana is a degoratory term for native's of chinese ancestry [yellow] who reject their own race by "apeing" westerner's [white]. but the joke is now on em lowest of the lowest common denominator's whose female sprog's sole ambition is to trick white loser's into marriage.

3. chicken is a degoratory cantonese [southern chinese dialect] term for whores.

4. talkin cock is a wee island equivalent of utterin a load of tosh.

as enscribed by the letter b @ May 4, 2005 02:03 PM
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

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