April 25, 2005


indeed, me braincell's have had gone missing. and this blah is an utterly lame excuse to fill up the column inches.

anyhoo, here are my pet peeve's in no particular order. which are all equally enough to make my blood boil:
1. fibbin's - i make an exception for white lies
2. lame excuses - one could give me the blue marble's bestest excuse which to me is still *lame*
3. lack of manner's - is it so effin' hard to say "please"?
4. lack of common sense - which is rife on this islet
5. those who go about manglin the english language; or any other for that matter - for goodness sake, l and r are totally different letter's, GEDDIT??
6. dithering's - two fella's dithered when they had the chance; and now i gloat at their missed opportunity. hohoho
7. sheer idiocy - i don't suffer em amoebae gladly
8. inconsistencies in statement's or actions - 'nuff said
9. negativity - an ex-classmate was so effin' negative in thought that i nearly ended up committin hara-kiri bashin her noggin
10. show-off's - especially those cunt's who see it fit to flash their "gold" credit card's/diamond ring's/latest mobile phone's/other such bollock's within my visual range

erm, ok so i'm guilty of givin *lame* excuses like "fingers before brain" or "blood rushed to the head" time and again.

the irony.

as enscribed by the letter b @ April 25, 2005 04:59 PM
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

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