this weekend sees the third annual wee island seven's. whereby loads of:
1. western expats would dress up in fanciful costumes
2. terribly underdressed and completely rugby-ignorant local and other asian bint's would be surgically attached to the arm's - and other limbs - of their loser white paramours
3. posh but terribly underdressed local chink bint's with a passing knowledge of rugby would shamelessly ogle and drool at 'em rugby player's - whilst yakkin' loudly amongst 'emselves like what they were up to the night before
4. and somesuch
put all of the above sub-species in one wee enclosure; and the finest display of ape-like behaviour ever known to humankind [disguised as "...sporting-mad wee islanders who know how to let their hair down..."] is in utterly full glory.
apart from the half-time bollocks that had yer ear-drums shattered by those massive chinese pugilistic drum's. any wonder why the islet is mistaken for a rural province of the peopre's lepubrik of china?
what's more disgusting than the sight of spastic apes misbehavin' is the organiser's resorting to cheap stunts like:
1. desperately beggin' those on their mailing list to spread the word about the event - daily, mind
2. going on a marketing blitz on the radio by giving away tickets to "lucky" caller's
3. going on a marketing blitz downtown by making some twats dressed up as rugby balls so that curious passers-by would somehow turn into fan's overnight
how low could they stoop?
besides, i was told the other day that this year's seven's might be the last ever before the stadium is demolished. or rather, they might not organise it any more as they have had been making losses since it started in 2002.
i'd rather they stop making a joke out of the sport altogether as rugby is meant for genuine fan's. not a spectacle for the lowest of the lowest common denominator's to flaunt themselves as some pampered high-society aspiring cunts. who insisted on sitting away from the sun and rain.
to think that the purpose of having the seven's here was to bring international prominence to the islet. they did somehow actually.
as enscribed by the letter b @ April 16, 2005 03:52 AMoh that's really sweet of you Sarah! many thanks for the lovely note and dropping by, and i'll return a reciprocal link soon. will write soon :)
I know you don't know me but I read what you write everyday in school and I just wanted to let you know it breightens me up everyday. Thanks so much. I love the little cartoons. Write to me sometime. -Sarah D.
as blahed by Sarah D. @ April 16, 2005 06:15 AM