February 23, 2005

ape mentality

it's okay for 'em chinks to:
1. natter away in their language in the presence of non-chink folk
2. natter away in their language even though it's bleedin' obvious that the other party doesn't understand a word

but it's not alright to 'em chinks if:
1. one of their member's engages a non-chink - read: darker skinned minorities - in the latter's language
2. non-chink folk reply in their own tongue when spoken to in chink

in addition, they'd turn hostile and show their displeasure there and then. but if and when the tables were turned, they would not hesitate to shout "racism!" loudly.

the suspicion that their most recent ancestor's made the jump from ape straight to homo sapiens is strong.

as enscribed by the letter b @ February 23, 2005 06:07 AM
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

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