February 07, 2005


lack of common sense. or lack of grey cells. or simply a case of short-circuited neuron paths.

this blah by the idling chief perfectly sums up why i have zero tolerance towards 'em chinks. it's about her mate who's got a dash of chinese genes but looks it; which the following snippet demonstrates wildly inaccurate assumptions make by 'em misplaced racial superiority bastards:

.. So there my friend was, asking the sales person about a particular item in English and the person answered in Chinese and continued to speak in Chinese
Anyway, I had to request them to speak in English because she’s not Chinese and by the time it was the third person who did that, I was so fed-up, I swear I could’ve gorged that guy’s eyes out that instant. Guess what he said when I told him to speak in English because Felicity wasn’t Chinese? He said, “Orh, I tot she is Chinese. Look like Chinese mah.”

even a malay ex-colleague - with an ethnic chinese grandfather who was given away to malays for adoption - complete with muslim head dress and name tag on her uniform, was spoken to in chink. those wankers' excuse? she looked chink, so she must be one.

and the most blood-boiling bollocks i ever heard, directing at said ex-colleague?

"oh, if you really malay, why you don't look like one?"

apart from the engRish there, don't you just feel like wanting to
a. smash this wanker's face with a boulder
b. hack said wanker into pieces and then feed it to the sharks?

on second thoughts
a. they have really flat mugs to begin with
b. they may just repel those sharks

to these chinks, if you have got some malay, indian, caucasian, or any other racial genes in ye, it's a mighty blight to the mighty yellow race.

and the most hypocritical bit has got to be their equally low-life bints of daughters producing half-breed chink-lookin' sprogs, like sows, courtesy of assumed wealthy white blokes.

see the assumed and wealthy bits?

as enscribed by the letter b @ February 7, 2005 02:33 PM

i would like to think it's their peasant dna and neurological structure that made them out to be what they are. even when my grandma spoke to one young teenaged wanker in english, in reply to his speaking mandarin to her, guess wot that wanker retorted?

"you can speak english what, don't know mandarin?!"

so don't blame me for being racist towards these working-class chinks.

as blahed by the letter b @ February 8, 2005 04:20 AM

Yeah those people are soooo spastic! Tamade! I'll understand if the person were elderly or your 'auntie' types because their English may not be very good (and out of respect, it's better to spare them the embarrassment I guess) so it's excusable. However, I cannot tolerate those who are young and who can speak proper English and they still do that to you.

as blahed by La Idler @ February 8, 2005 02:32 AM
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plat:

remember personal info?