January 30, 2005

rightly deserved

read off a blog - off a blog, off another one, off.. you's get the drift - that some sod who's just married to an indonesian slag is already facing the prospect of being made bankrupt by his in-laws.

due to the perception that whites are megarich, the poor sod is now expected to support them by handing over a monthly sum to them. apart from the probablity of buying them stuff on demand.

:: chortle, snigger ::

if this twit thinks his missus loves him for what he is, he'd better think again. it's a well-known fact that these slags have no qualms of hooking up with and living off other perceived richer blokes.

regardless if said slags are married and have sprogs.

got himself in deep shite the depth of six feet, hasn't he? must be the out-of-this-bluemarble bonking's with the missus that *screwed up his judgement, methinks.

* pun intended

as enscribed by the letter b @ January 30, 2005 11:15 AM
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

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