January 01, 2005

safe, not safe

after reading the bit about the missing 3,500 swedes, i realised that an ex-fling and his wife might be holidaying in phuket at this time of year.

a shame i misplaced his email addy otherwise i would have written to him. other news about my mates: a couple residing in krabi were here on the wee isle when the tragic event occured. whilst another's son was backpacking on the other side of thailand who could have been on phi phi island as he loves scuba diving.

the latter was so traumatised by the news that he took the next flight out to join his parents here. but recovered quickly enough to wind me up on several things as per the usual last evening.

and it was really nice of another mate - who returned home to new york for crimbo - to text me hoping that everyone i know is safe and well.

hopefully the rest of the folk i know of are kept safe also.

as enscribed by the letter b @ January 1, 2005 10:01 AM
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

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