there's this mighty irritating tourism campaign going on around 'ere - and possibly the entire cosmoverse - that promotes the wee isle as, erm, unique.
haw, haw. HAW.
certainly not its "multicultural" make up where there are only the ethnic chinks, the native malays, the ethnic indians and the 1% "others". nor the careful juxtiposition of modern monstrosities and historical buildings that some totally misguided tourists raved about.
it's the first world-third world combo that is evidently effin' obvious that makes this islet unique. ie: first world infrastructure, first world taxes, first world cost of living.
which the latter is set to rise.
with third world chavs, third world bog conditions, third world stupidity; and third world cringeworthy mentality possessed by so-called highly-educated feckless bints. who not only see white blokes as dosh-laden trophy husbands, but as *the* ticket to rise above their lowest of the lowly stations.
and there are many more who are set to keep up with the joneses. or the mei-ling's.
despite their protestations and claims to the contrary, these bint's are no different from the average third world thai, filipina, vietnamese and indonesian white blokey [regardless geriatrics or those barely out of their nappies]-hunting part-time whore. which incidentally, the wee isle hosts to massive numbers.
and their numbers are set to rise. shudder.
and the most outrageous bit is not only the abovenamed slapper's show outright jealousy and competition - that is written so clearly on their ugly mugs - towards wee island birds, they also categorically deny their foreigner status.
see how unique the wee isle is?
as enscribed by the letter b @ November 18, 2004 07:02 AM