got me ear bashed on my journey to work this morning on the train.
by a whiny 20-something trying-hard-to-sound-yank-&-utterlyposh clad-in-all-black heavily-war-painted wee island malay cow. whose loser 40-something english paramour rang her on her mobile. obviously wanting to bonk her later in the day.
of course i knew all these 'cos she was stood beside me; subjecting everyone within hearing range to her pityworthy account of a, and i quote, "psycho calling my home, waking up my mum at six in the mornin' demanding to speak to me..". who proceeded to insult her modesty. oh, he didn't just stop there as he also rang her on her mobile and then hung up.
what made her think it was the same person?
anyhooo, she speculated it could be some "idiot" whom she rejected six years ago. and then she whispered into the phone for a bit before she resumed her twaddle. repeating the "calling me at six o'clock blahyaddawhinge.." line throughout my 18-minute travel.
for someone who couldn't stop fingering her long dyed barnet, and giving every bird inside the train the dirty look; is it of any wonder she got herself outraged by a "psycho"?
as enscribed by the letter b @ October 7, 2004 06:30 AM