September 27, 2004

boilin' blood

sample this email exchange with an amoeba of a cow-orker. SOSU is the programme code for an english premiership magazine:

cow-orker: Hi Letter B - SOSU episode 1169344, please include the features OFL1, OTS2, OMW1, OFT1, FFL1, FMH1, LMW1, DFT1 etc...

letter b, who checked SOSU programme format to make sure said features exist but they don't: Cow - Pertaining to the features, I understand these have not been asked of previously for SOSU? Please confirm what else you require before I do the necessary.

cow-orker: But these features are not new, please refer to 1153144 as a reference. Thanks very much.

letter b: I think you missed my point -> I'm refering to the *entire* SOSU ie: if you do require these and any other features for future airings, I could do it for the rest of the season. instead of you emailing me lists of episodes as and when you fancy.

to think some trouble-making but cowardly wee islander's in cyberspace whining rather loudly that i was being a git for calling 'em names. at other bloggers', mind.

as enscribed by the letter b @ September 27, 2004 10:18 AM

that will take a millenium for them to do so, sidekick. on second thoughts, they won't ever given the way their neuron paths are wired.

as blahed by the letter b @ September 27, 2004 04:50 PM

Their skin needs to get a wee bit thicker.

as blahed by sidekick @ September 27, 2004 01:15 PM
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

remember personal info?