September 15, 2004

a first

the deutsche welle have boldly done which no online thingy has done before. to celebrate their tenth anniversary wotsit, the german broadcaster launch an online klingon language service. with a klingon quiz to boot, of which i scored 8 out of 10.

but of course being a trekkie, i should know some rudimentary klingon general knowledge. innit?

indeed the gerry's do have a sense of humour:

Guido Baumhauer, head of DW's Online services, told the BBC that although the pages were initially published as a joke by DW engineers in their spare time, he has been taken aback by their popularity.

honestly, it's a cracking site. the english version, that is.

as enscribed by the letter b @ September 15, 2004 05:14 PM
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

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