June 23, 2004


every morning - ok, monday to friday - on my way to work on the bus, i have to put up with incessant incomprehensible no-brainer natterings of the hosts of the wee island dedicated news channel's morning show.

both of whom are american-educated filipino's of chinese extraction. one of whom with a thoroughly spanish family name.

don't get me wrong i'm not complaining about their presence. nor about their broad filipino-laced yank accents. rather, i question the need to hire foreigners to front the programme just because. to begin with, they have no presence or charisma to even engage my interest.

i wonder if it's their so-called enchanting ::pass the sickbag:: looks or their being "exotic" - chinks speaking with a combo of filipino and american twangs - that got them on board in the first place?

given certain wee islanders' irrational infatuation with chinks from the western hemisphere, or those educated in the west?

as enscribed by the letter b @ June 23, 2004 04:16 AM

exactly my point. we actually have - or had before they went - really good newscasters, like jill neubronner who's with cnn, and lynette tye hosting bbc world's business news. but of course, given today's total lack of quality - a good example being channel i's michelle quah - i'd cringe whenever my family watch the news.

give me the late 80's/early 90's newscasters or oldies - back when it was simply known as RTS - anytime. i mean, it was part of their training to go to London!

talk of foreign "talent" ::splutter:: i even doubt some of them working here also :P

as blahed by the evil letter b @ June 23, 2004 09:49 AM

(a) Lack of 'talent' in Singapore. I don't know why locals are so afraid to speak well on TV.

(b) They don't really locals a chance/have very high standards when it comes to locals, but low standards for 'em 'foreign talent'.

as blahed by Idler @ June 23, 2004 08:54 AM
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

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