May 19, 2004


now i know why i'm such a scatterbrain these days:

The newest polluters are not chemical manufacturers leaking toxins into the air. Neither are they logging conglomerates clearing ancient forests nor avaricious developers turning wetlands into strip malls. The newest polluters are in your pocket, atop your desk, or clogging your telephone lines with streams of digital effluent.

oh yes, that bane of the modern office: emails. technology is supposed to aid us, not holding us back. though many a time the opposite is true here at the workplace.

coupled with feckless muddleheaded folk who are so completely inept in business correspondence:
- that they mark every darn email of theirs with the ! thingy
- clutter everybody's inboxes despite the irrelevance of subject matter
- having no absolute idea how to write a decent logical email

The information age, it seems, is data-contaminated. And it's not just the volume of information that's worrisome; it's the lack of context in which it's delivered.

on second thoughts, these polluters are not as harmful and insidious as the ceaseless mindless kiddie chattering's around me.

how come? i always end up brain dead upon reaching home. and mind, i even caught myself speaking ungrammatical english not a few times. like they do.

see what i mean?

as enscribed by the letter b @ May 19, 2004 09:39 AM
yer six pences' worth s'il vous plaît:

remember personal info?