spent the entire day - ok, since 12:00 hours WIST thereabouts and it's now 19:50 WIST - tinkering the main template and css thingy.
and it has seen four transformations so far: jade green/brown combo; purple and navy blue; black/white combo with red/green fonts.
and this final one, black/white with gold/purple fonts. i'm mighty chuffed with it so far. and no, the colour yellow or gold or summat is not my favouritest.
i must admit that some tips were stolen without permission off Mandarin Design.
as enscribed by the letter b @ April 10, 2004 12:44 PMWhat a great website I have ever seen. Thanks for all the hard work.
as blahed by Juegos de casinos @ April 13, 2005 03:16 PM